Flowers are wonderful thing created by the nature. There are thousands of varieties of flowers around the world. We can also see many flowers when we look at the surroundings.
However almost every flower in the world has a smell.Each flower has a special and different smell.Scientists conclude that the same fragrance is not emitted by two flowers. Flower sent is a organic compound. Often the fragrance is stored in flower petals. But some plants such as Orchid , have their own set of tools.These are the some of most fragrant flowers on the world.
Many flowers use fragrance for reproduction. Smell is important to attract insects and birds.Each flower has it own scent , depending on the animal it wants to attract.However not all flowers have a pleasant aroma.Some flower scents are unpleasant to us.
Plants that need to be polinated by night- flaying insects and bats smell stronger in the evening, when they are ready for pollination and when their pollinators are most active.
Nice concept. 👍