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5G Technology


What is 5G technology? 5G is mean Fifth-generation technology. It is wireless technology that can deliver maximum data speed, high reliability, low latency and high performance. compared to 4G and LTE, 5G has higher bandwidth and higher download speed, eventually up yo 10 gigabytes per second(Gbit/s) . Not only does it provide good broadband services but it is also a technology that can be integrated with the new IOT technology.

Is 5G technology currently working?

Of course yes. It is already in operation. Cellular phone company launched it in the beginning of 2019 and currently 60+ countries in the world use 5G.Phone maker companies already manufacture and sell phones with 5G  technology. The first 5G smart phone, the Samsung Galaxy S20 phone was released on March 09, 2020. It was more expensive compared to 4G phones. Apple iPhone 12 and later versions support 5G. The use if 5G on a large scale was initiated by South Korea. Analysts point out that by 2025 , 65% of the world's population will be affected by this technology.

5G usable devices

There are seven types of 5g device models as announced by GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers association. They are,
           - Telephones
           - Hotspots
           - Indoor and outdoor customer premises equipment
           - Modules
           - Snap on dongles and adapters
           - USB terminals

Applications of 5G technology

Analysts conclude that in the future, 5G will expand into all sectors such as transportation, healthcare, defense, industry, education Etc. improving performance in those sectors.

For Industrial field: 
There are many benefits to expending the industry through 5G technology. 
~ Generation of new jobs.
~ Increasing the productivity of operations.
~ Increasing the volume of production.
~ Being able more profit.
~ Can provide a more attractive service to users.
~ Starting new enterprise applications is easy.
For more knowledge > 

For healthcare:
~ Remote patient monitoring.
~ connected ambulance
~ HD virtual consultations.
~ Video-enabled prescription management.
~ AR / VR assistance for the blinds.
~ Distraction and rehabilitation therapy.
~ AR / VR training and education.
~ Real time, high-thought computational processing.
~ Video analytics for behavioural recognition.
For more knowledge >

For education:
~ AR / VR enhanced education.
~ IOT offerings.
~ Remote learning.
~ To improve student learning activities
~ To enhance the performance of students
For more knowledge > 

 For transportation:
~ Traffic can be handled more effectively
~ Increased visibility and control
~ More security and reliability
~ To increase vehicle efficiency
~ Manufacture for automated vehicles
For more knowledge  >

For defense:
~ For successful spying and surveillance
~ To create new commands and control systems
~  Use war technology more effectively
~ To facilitate system maintanance
~ Communicate confidential information more effectively

If you want to know information about 5G technology through Wikipedia >

In addition, this technology can be used for many other purposes. Assumes that 5G technology can solve many existing problems and many future problems that have not yet occurred. 💬


As a blogger I like to write anything meaningful and interesting. And I also like to think optimisticaly and live lovingly with nature.

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